Identify different types of computers; softwares and hardwares
Navigate and perform common tasks in Word
Creating presentations and reports
Discuss of search engines, Internet, web resources
Practicals on: -
Word Processing Software
Spread Sheet Management Software
Power Point Presentation Software
Online Searching
Essential Readings:
Brown, Christopher & Bell, Suzanne (2018). Librarian's guide to online searching: cultivating database skills for research and instruction. 5th ed. London: Libraries Unlimited
Markey, Karen (2019). Online searching: A guide to finding quality information efficiently and effectively. 2nd ed. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Marmel, Elaine (2015). Office 2016 Simplified. Hoboken. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
Mishra, Vinod Kumar (2016). Basics of library automation, Koha library management software and data migration: Challenges with case studies. New Delhi: EssEss Publications.