Management of Library and Information Centre (Theory)

Paper Code: 
24BLIS 201
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to

1. Understand the concept and history of management

2. Elaborate principles and functions of management

3. Carry out various operations of Library and Information Centres



Unit I: 
Fundamentals of Management

Concept and Scope of Management: Exploring the fundamental concept and scope of management, including its role in coordinating resources to achieve organizational goals.

Principles and Functions/Elements: Investigating the principles and functions/elements of management, including planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, and their application in effective organizational management.

Schools of Management Thought: Examining various schools of management thought, such as classical, behavioral, and modern management theories, and understanding their contributions to management practice.

Total Quality Management (TQM): Analyzing the principles and practices of Total Quality Management, including its focus on continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, and employee involvement, and its relevance to library and information center management.

Application of Management Principles: Discussing the application of management principles in libraries and information centers, including strategic planning, human resource management, budgeting, and performance evaluation, to optimize operational efficiency and service delivery

Unit II: 
Human Resource Management (HRM)

Meaning and Definition: Exploring the concept and definition of Human Resource Management (HRM), including its significance in effectively managing an organization's workforce.

Job Analysis and Evaluation: Investigating the processes of job analysis, job description, and job evaluation, including their role in understanding job requirements, defining roles and responsibilities, and establishing equitable compensation structures.

Selection, Recruitment, and Onboarding: Examining the practices of selection and recruitment, including strategies for identifying and attracting qualified candidates, as well as the onboarding process to integrate new employees into the organization.

Training and Development: Analyzing the importance of training and development programs in enhancing employee skills, knowledge, and capabilities to meet organizational objectives.

Performance Appraisal: Discussing the methods and techniques of performance appraisal, including the evaluation of employee performance against predetermined criteria and the provision of feedback for continuous improvement and career development.


Unit III: 
Collection Development and Maintenance

Acquisition of Materials: Exploring the processes and methods involved in acquiring books and subscribing to periodicals, including selection criteria, acquisition sources, and budget considerations.

Recent Trends in Collection Development: Analyzing emerging trends and best practices in collection development, including digital acquisitions, open access resources, and collaborative collection development initiatives.

Technical Processing: Investigating the technical processing of documents, including cataloging, classification, and indexing, to facilitate access and retrieval of library materials.

Circulation Methods: Examining circulation methods and processes, including loan policies, check-out procedures, and overdue fines, to ensure efficient circulation and access to library resources.

Maintenance: Exploring maintenance activities such as stock verification, shelf-rectification, binding, and preservation techniques, to ensure the longevity and usability of library collections.



Unit IV: 
Financial Management in Libraries

Sources of Library Finance: Exploring the various sources from which libraries derive their financial support, including government funding, grants, donations, and user fees.

Estimation of Financial Requirements: Assessing the process of estimating a library's financial needs, including factors such as collection development, staffing, facility maintenance, and technological investments.

Budgeting: Analyzing the budgeting process in libraries, including the allocation of funds to different areas of operation based on priorities and resource availability.

Accounting and Auditing: Understanding the principles of financial accounting and auditing in libraries, including record-keeping practices, financial reporting, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Annual Report: Examining the preparation and dissemination of the annual report, including the documentation of library activities, achievements, and financial performance over a specific period.

Library Statistics: Discussing the importance of library statistics in assessing performance, measuring impact, and informing decision-making processes, including data collection, analysis, and reporting methodologies.



Unit V: 
Library Management and Organization

Organizational Structure: Examining the process of structuring library organizations, including the establishment of hierarchical levels, departmental divisions, and reporting relationships, and understanding the characteristics of effective division of labor.

Library Committee: Exploring the need, purpose, and functions of library committees, including their role in policy-making, strategic planning, and resource allocation.

Library Rules and Regulations: Analyzing the development and implementation of library rules and regulations, including policies on user behavior, borrowing privileges, and access to resources, to ensure orderly and efficient library operations.

Library Building Planning: Investigating the planning process for library buildings, including space allocation, design considerations, and accessibility standards, to create conducive environments for learning, research, and collaboration.

Space Management: Discussing strategies for effective space management in libraries, including shelving arrangements, seating configurations, and utilization of technology to optimize space usage and accommodate evolving user needs.



Essential Readings: 
  1. Bryson, Jo. (1996). Effective library and information management. New Delhi:  Jaico Publising House.
  2. Griffin, R. W. (2016). Fundamentals of Management. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning
  3. Koontz, H. &Weihrich, H. (2015). Essentials of management. 10th ed. Chennai,  McGraw Hill Inc. 
  4. Krishan Kumar, (2007). Library management in electronics environment. New Delhi:  Har -Anand Publications. 
  5. Mittal, R. (2007). Library administration: Theory and practice. New Delhi: EssEss  Publications. 
  6. Narayana, G J. (1991). Library and information management. New Delhi: Prentice  Hall of India. 
  7. Stoner, James A.F. et al. (1996). Management: Global perspectives. 10th ed.  New Delhi: McGraw Hill Inc.


  1. Evans, G. Edward &Layzell, Patricia. (2007). Management basics for information  professionals. 2nd ed. London : Libraries Unlimited. 
  2. Harvey, Poss. (1993). Preservation in libraries: a reader. London: R.R. Bowker.
  3. Johnson, P. (2014). Fundamentals of collection development and management. 3rd ed.  Chicago :American Library Association. 
  4. Lesneski, T. E. (2018). Library Design for the 21st Century: Collaborative Strategies to Ensure Success. Germany: De Gruyter.
  5. Madeleine, C., Sahavirta, H and Hauke, P., Eds Going Green: Implementing Sustainable Strategies in Libraries Around the World: Buildings, Management, Programmes and Services. (2018). Germany: De Gruyter.
  6. Matthews, J. R. (2018). The evaluation and measurement of library services. CA: Libraries Unlimited.
  7. Stueart, R. D. & Moran, B. B. (2013). Libraries and information center management. 8th ed. London: Libraries Unlimited.
  8. Wilkins-Jordan, M. E. (2020). Essential Management Skills for Library and Information Professionals. United States: American Library Association.



  2. e-PGPathshala (



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