Guest Lecture on "Future Perspectives of Academic Librarianship”

Start Date: 
Wednesday, 13 March 2024
Start Time: 
11:30 am
Online Session

Guest Lecture

Title of the event: "Future Perspectives of Academic Librarianship”

Type of Event : Enrichment activity

Date: 13th March, 2024

Venue: Central Library

No. of Participants/Beneficiaries: 04

Name of the activity Coordinator: Dr Sonal Jain

Objective of the activity: To provide students with insights into the evolving role of academic librarians in the digital age, emerging trends in library services, and the skills required to excel in the field.


The Department of Library and Information Science organised an online session on the topic "Future Perspective of Academic Librarianship” on   13-March-2024 for the students of B.Lib.I.Sc.

The Resource Person was Dr. Vinay Singh Kashyap, Librarian,                               College of Agriculture, Navgoan, Alwar. The presentation commenced with an exploration of the evolving role of academic libraries in the contemporary educational landscape. Dr. Kashyap emphasized the shift from traditional repositories of knowledge to dynamic hubs of information dissemination, collaboration, and innovation. Attendees were enlightened about the imperative for academic libraries to embrace technological advancements and adapt their services to meet the evolving needs of students, faculty, and researchers.

The session ended with fruitful interactions between the students and the expert.


Outcome of the activity: The session served as an enriching opportunity for students to broaden their understanding of academic librarianship and prepare themselves for future career prospects in the domain.